A one-day course for both clinicians and technicians on all things implant dentures.

Developed by Rupert Monkhouse, Matt Brennand Roper & Dean Ward

This course will be ideal for beginners in implant dentures. This course will cover all aspects of implant restoration for the GDP regarding locator dentures. A more advanced course covering bars will be released later.

In this introduction course we will cover designing optimal complete dentures for implants, impression techniques and implant denture maintenance for the clinicians. For technicians we will also cover the componentry, casting of impressions and communication with the clinician.

This course is ideal for both technicians and clinicians, with initial teaching as a group before separate hands on exercises to improve the individual disciplines whilst maintaining a strong theme of communication.

The course is in development and we aim to release by the end of 2023.

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The Immediate Denture Course


Stratum & reCON with Bharat Agrawal & Yo-Han Choi