Two separate courses hosted by Bharat Agrawal and Yo-Han Choi

ImpressionClub has teamed up with these two fantastic clinicians and educators all the way from Australia to bring you the opportunity to take their fantastic two-day courses Stratum and reCON here in the UK.

Register your interest below so we can make this happen!



Refine your composite skills in small group hands on workshops run by Dr Bharat Agrawal and Dr Yo-Han Choi. You will learn practical skills that you can immediately apply in clinical practice to elevate your composite resin dentistry with an emphasis on predictable and repeatable techniques that integrate seamlessly within the busy modern practice.

Learning Objectives

Learn to utilise composite resin with confidence and artistic flair to create restorations that are functional and aesthetic. With a strong emphasis on minimally invasive protocols and simplified stratification techniques, this workshop will help the modern practitioner develop the skills necessary to place beautiful anterior and posterior composite restorations.

Topics Included

  • Ethical Aesthetics - Additive Composite Dentistry

  • Anterior Aesthetic Considerations

  • Shape and Shade Fundamentals

  • Simplified Layering Techniques

  • Class IV, Peg Lateral and Direct Veneer hands-on exercises

  • Isolation Fundamentals

  • Posterior Matrixing

  • Simplified Posterior Morphology

  • Cusp Cap Class II exercise and Adjacent Tooth Matrixing

  • Use of tints to create life-like effects and character

  • Polishing and Finishing Techniques

BxY reCON -The Posterior Indirect Masterclass


Indirect dentistry has evolved immensely thanks to progressions in the science of adhesive dentistry. The understanding of modern-day preparation design and workflows are quintessential to the general practitioner as more patients understand the benefits of comprehensive and definitive dental care. Do you find yourself questioning your preparation design? Wondering what material is best for a particular case? Shoulders, bevels, chamfers, butt-joints…!? Join us for the indirect master class and assist your patients in their reCON-structive journey.

Topics Include

  • Indications

  • Preparation and margin design

  • Immediate Dentine Sealing

  • Deep Margin Elevation

  • Adhesive bonding and cementation technique

  • Rubber Dam Isolation

  • Restoration Design and Materials

  • Staining and Glazing techniques

  • CADCAM and traditional workflows

  • Digital and Analogue Impression taking

  • Occlusal considerations for single indirect restorations


The Implant Denture Course